Wondering how to use LinkedIn for sales? Well of course you are! That’s why you clicked on this article!

Many people are still under the common misconception that LinkedIn is simply an online resume. And while some people do use it for that purpose, LinkedIn has capabilities that extend much further.

[Speaking of misconceptions, check out this Social Selling Myths article.]

How to Use LinkedIn for Sales: 5 Tips to Leverage LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn for sales—specifically for , prospecting, and reaching out for introductions—is easier than ever. You have the basic capabilities to do some of what I just mentioned with your LinkedIn free account. But upgrade to Sales Navigator, and you’ll be able to do even more.

Now, I’m not a Sales Navigator re-seller or anything. But I do use the tool—so am writing about it from that capacity.

Let’s jump into the tips!

Tip #1: Make Sure Your Profile is Complete!

I can’t stress this enough! If you’re trying to figure out how to use LinkedIn for sales, you’ve got to start with your own profile first.

Having a great profile is critical. Your profile is the perfect place to showcase yourself as an expert in your field. So, take advantage and build your own personal brand!

Need a little help accomplishing this feat? No worries! Click here to jump to 3 Tips for Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile to Generate Sales Leads. It details specifics on what to update and why.

Tip #2: Create a Process

As a sales trainer, process is life. (I mean really food is life, but process is a close second).

If you’re looking for sales success, process is key.

As you’re figuring out how to use LinkedIn for sales, don’t forget to draft (then finalize) the process that you’ll follow as you mine for leads.

Need help developing a process for generating sales leads using LinkedIn? You know I have a resource for that! Click here to download the How to Generate Sales Leads Using LinkedIn eBook. It’ll give you our entire process and save you some time!

Tip #3: Add Your LinkedIn for Sales Process to Your Sales PlayBook

Your process will fall by the wayside if it’s not easy to access. Once you’ve finalized the process you’ll follow when mining for leads and asking for introductions using LinkedIn, add it to your Sales PlayBook.

Don’t have a Sales PlayBook? It’s time to create one!

And of course, I have a few ideas for you:

Tip #4: Follow the Process

This might seem silly, but it’s very important that you follow the process that you just built!

I’ve seen too many people work out a process, then not follow the process. Then when I run into them a few months later and I ask about their progress, they have nothing to share! Instead they’ll say things like, “oh… well… it was really time consuming so I really just couldn’t make it happen.”

Don’t let this happen to you. Generating sales leads using LinkedIn is possible, and people (like me) are doing it. Don’t miss your opportunity because it seems complicated or time consuming. It’s all about time management (time blocking!) and following the process.

Tip #5: Don’t Forget to Lend a Helping Hand

Yes, I know you’re focusing on how to use LinkedIn for sales. But you’re nothing without people! As you’re working on LinkedIn to gather leads, ask for introductions, and network, don’t forget to lend a helping hand to others.

This could be as simple as endorsing skills, writing a recommendation, liking a post, commenting on a post—the list goes on. Also, be open to providing introductions to those around you. (This is especially important if you yourself are asking others for introductions!).

Are you a CEO or Sales Manager that needs help training your sales team on the best way to use LinkedIn for lead generation? I can help! Click here or on the image below to get a conversation started.

