
Generation obsession isn’t a new phenomenon, though it often feels like the millennial generation is obsessed over by the media (mostly over what millennials have supposedly killed, like Applebee’s and golf and lumberjacking… probably). The truth, however, is that generations have been written about for decades.

Gen X was all the rage in the 90s. Our current generation of kids and high schoolers, Gen Z, is starting to get more ink (a reference they would not understand) about their habits and peculiarities. Baby boomers may have been the original generation fascination. And around the time Saving Private Ryan hit theaters, Tom Brokaw and the rest of the nation were heaping rightful praise upon what they called “The Greatest Generation.”

Pew – Research – Center – Answer

But who belongs where? It just so happens the Pew Research Center has the answer.

The Pew Research Center’s official name for those born from 1928 to 1945 is “The Silent Generation.” There are a range of theories as to why this generation was given that particular moniker, including this one from

Theories – Label – Generation – Children – Time

There are several theories as to where the label ‘Silent Generation’ originated. The children who grew up during this time worked very hard and kept quiet. It was commonly understood that children should be seen and not heard.

This generation was mostly too young to have served in the Second World War. Their predecessors, The Greatest Generation, were born roughly between 1910 and 1927, give or take a few years.

War – Time – Home – Families – Families

We won the war and it was time to come home and start families. Really, really big families. Hence the name Baby Boomers. The birth rate in the United States skyrocketed after World War II, right along with the American economy and U.S. influence on the world stage.

This is the generation that went to Woodstock, fought in Vietnam,…
